大家千萬不要告訴我老爸...不然他又會擔心我啦~~~到時我就完蛋了!!! 我剛剛發生了一件足以讓我快嚇破我的小膽的事,
p: Do you know why I stop you?
l: mum....i don't know...
p: did you see the red light? you cannot aross the road at this time...
l: i am sorry... i didn't see that...(我快哭啦...好可怕)
p: why you are here now? it's midnight... are you lost?
l: i am going to my friends....and i cannot find my way(事實上我剛從我朋友家回來)
p: where is your friend's house?
l: near here...
p: where is your house?
l: near here as well, but... i just went to john pillips to find aother
p: where is your drivig licence, mot(英國的汽車檢測合格證明)and car insurance?
l: i am sorry... that i just bought this car, i am still looking for an
insurance company...
you cannot drive without car insurance... if you did, you are crime...
(這一段我嚇死啦...超恐怖的,怎麼才開車兩個星期就犯罪啦>l: i ...i ...i ...don't know... i just come to this place for 2 months
p:(比較好的一個)now you have two choices, one is you have to pay 60 pounds
(約台幣3600),and your driving licence will lose 3 points(扣八點就不能開車了)
and another one is...now you cannot drive, and you have to buy your car
insurance in 7 days, show your driving licence and mot in the police station
in loughborough. after you buy your car insurance, you can drive again! i think
you have better choose the second one, because it's cheapper.(我已經嚇到六神無
l:i would like to choose the second one...
p: so now give me your key, you cannot drive your car now, and i will help you
to drive it home...and if you want to go to your friend's house, we can drive
you there...
l:(我怎麼可能要去哪阿...而且就算要去我也沒心情去啦)i ...think i have better to
go home now...(我好想要馬上回家阿)
了我闖紅燈的事了(這是唯一的好事),他們只叫我快把保險在七天之內辦好,我就可以開車了,還好我遇到那警察還蠻好心的...不過,我覺得裝不太懂英文,裝的什麼都不懂,好像還有點用ㄟ...不過男生可能沒用啦...大家祝我好運吧~我還要去警察局ㄟ>還好沒什麼大事,剛剛我室友很努力的安慰過我啦...晚上他們要做壽司給我壓壓驚...而且他們今天終於良心發現要開暖氣啦~~~因為我們大家是share bill的,他們一個很省,一個怕熱,都不太開暖氣,今天問我說我為何那麼晚還在朋友家,我說因為家裡沒溫暖,我房間好冷,所以我才一直感冒,他們終於說要多放一些暖氣啦...唉~這算有得必有失吧!!
Lucy 對了~給大家看我新房子,房間很大喔~如果有機會來英國,可以來找我玩阿~~ http://www.pixnet.net/lucy1979 裡面還有很多我前幾星期拍的照片啦~先這樣啦~我要繼續煩我車子的事啦~~~
Lucy 新站公告
1. 新站開張,歡迎大家來玩
2. 這裡只寫些五四三,自行斟酌,不負責任
- Oct 19 Tue 2004 04:18
英國數馬鈴薯的日子 (6)