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對我們台灣人來說,日本是一個非常近的國家,常常有人說「第一次出國旅行就應該去日本」嗯~ 沒錯,第一次旅行就應該去日本,想想我的海外生活「初體驗」真的是發生在日本ㄟ… 只是沒想到… 一眨眼過去,我已經從當年的13歲小女生,變成人家的「小阿姨」(好想哭喔!)
第一次去日本是在1992年的冬天,猶記當時在東京度過我第一個不是在台灣過的中國年;第二次前往日本是在1995年的夏天,當時的「靜修團」真可以媲美炫風掃境,凡經過的店,無論賣的是吃的、喝的、玩的、穿的,一概無法逃離我們的八爪掌(我以前很省,不太買東西的,都是看學姊、學妹買)。這次是我第三次來到日本,每次出國都是突然興起,10月的最後兩天想到去看看秋天的日本,看看滿城楓紅,找了小海豚組了「瘋狂二人組」(因為我們每次出國都是很突然的,去年12月出國還是擲骰子決定去新加坡的),一起去 YOKOSO JAPAN!

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二個星期前,正當鮟鱇魚小姐下班之後無所是事時,一切都來的如此奇妙…鮟鱇魚小姐接到媽媽的來電,電話那頭媽媽傳來興奮的聲音,她說:「鮟鱇阿~快回家阿~媽媽和你說喔!媽媽的好朋友說要幫你介紹一個有錢人家的少爺ㄟ…啊!之前算命不是說你會嫁一個有錢人,我朋友說那男生家是 “田僑仔”喔!雖然學歷不高,可是人很優喔!你要不要去看看阿?」經不起媽媽的一再遊說,想想身邊的好朋友們不是已經踏入「墳墓」,就是已經半隻腳踩在「墳墓」裡,如果自己連「墓地」都沒去過,那可不是太丟臉了嗎?鮟鱇魚小姐於是在半推半就之下答應去見見那個所謂的 “優質男”。

當週的星期六就是鮟鱇魚小姐第一次見到 “母執輩所謂的優質男”的日子了,這天鮟鱇魚小姐穿上她最端莊的洋裝,配上她新燙好的長直髮,看起來就是一付大家閨秀的模樣,當高級餐廳的waiter帶領著鮟鱇魚小姐和她媽媽一起來到餐桌,鮟鱇魚小姐這時只有一個念頭出現在她的腦海, “我好想逃阿!” (看到這裡大家一定很納悶為何鮟鱇魚小姐想逃了?!龍蝦小姐在這忍不住提醒大家請不要太相信 “母執輩的眼光”,因為在她們眼裡最佳的優質男就是忠厚老實的男人,以我們這些 “少熟女”來看,歐巴桑的優質男定義 = 忠厚老實 = 平凡人 = 同年紀者裡的滯銷品) 鮟鱇魚小姐迫於無奈,又想想自己的 “歲數”,為了讓自己快點拿到「墓地」的參觀門票,也只好咬緊牙關撐過去啦!

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我說: 林志玲很漂亮,在我的認知裡的很漂亮,或許是代表她算是美女中的美女

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Our Hello UK! English Camp members all work in different fields; we have different life with different friends. We are all here because we were all studying in UK. After we came back to Taiwan, we hold a lot forgathers just in order to meet more friends who have same experience. When the group is getting bigger and bigger, we are all thinking what we can do for our homeland. We are willing to give and we’ve discussed many ways to help others. However, it’s very difficult to find something in common in this group. Finally, we found that all of us can speak in English. Therefore, teaching English sounds the best way to contribute to the Taiwanese society. We have started with no funding at all, all members came out with their own resources to make it happen. Someone provided printing papers, someone bought colour pens, some people don’t know how to teach but they came here to drive us to school. In this English Camp, we contributed our love to children, and we got a lot of feedback from children’s smile. In this group, many of us work like dog but they don’t really enjoy their life, but… when we saw those children’s naïve smile… it’s just the best feedback.

There were 18 of us went to Da Shu primary school which is in E-land a few weeks ago. We hope children can learn English without any pressure. We want they all know that English is a language for communication, just like Mandarin. English is for our daily life to use, not for exams. I still remembered that time I taught them “ABC”, they have learned very quickly then I decided to play a game with them. When I picked a letter of “M”, one of children said that is Mcdonalds’“M”, then we played role play, I told them that they were customers, and I was the waitress in Mcdonalds. They have to tell me what they want to order. It’s so funny that they learn a lot of vocabularies about food, so… if one day, they really go to UK or other countries. I believe they won’t starve because of the language issue.

Now, our Hello UK! English Camp wants to go to as many remote districts as we can. To help more children to develop an interest in English, but it’s really cost a lot of money to do so. Therefore we have to get some funding to support our English Camp. We were lucky to get St. Andrews University’s funding last time, and we’ve also joined and won Johnnie Walker’s “keep walking”project. It’s a great achievement.

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